‘Crying Girl on the Border’ by John Moore

World Press Photo Winner 2019

by Paola Herrera

A picture is worth a thousand words. John Moore’s World Press Photo of the year Crying Girl on the Border confirms this saying by underlining the cruelty and indifference displayed towards Central American immigrants in the United States.


The Migrant Caravan by Pieter Ten Hoopen

The Zero Tolerance immigration policy established by Donald Trump’s presidency in 2018 was implemented to curtail the migrant caravan coming from El Salvador, Guatemala and Honduras.

This caravan was made up of people seeking asylum and fleeing from the devastating poverty and unrelenting violence in their countries of origin. The World Press Photo Story of the year The Migrant Caravan by Pieter Ten Hoopen portrays the vicissitudes of immigrants heading towards the US.


The aftermath of the massive detentions of these Central American immigrants in the US – Mexican border, led to the separation of nearly 3,000 children from their parents. The process of reuniting these children with their families has been a difficult endeavor and sadly an impossible task in many cases. It is a disgrace that American immigration authorities victimized children, a gut-wrenching testimony of this transgression is evidenced by the World Press Photo Video winner of the year by Univision News.

The Migrant Caravan by Pieter Ten Hoopen
The Migrant Caravan by Pieter Ten Hoopen
The Migrant Caravan by Pieter Ten Hoopen

This year the World Press Photo has awarded several stories related with the migrant caravan and the vicious separation of children from their parents. These images bear witness of the social injustice that prevails in the current American administration. The lack of organization and neglect of the Zero Tolerance policy enforced, reflects the discrimination displayed towards poor immigrants seeking asylum in the United States.

We can only hope that these vile policies which separate innocent children from their parents will never happen again, it is immoral. No child’s heart should ever be broken to satisfy the shallow political aspirations of an incompetent government.

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